CCRN Certificants by State

This table shows the number of certified CCRN Adults by state as of February 15, 2024. The totals include all CCRN certificants — Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal.

State CCRNs
Alabama 1012
Alaska 297
Arizona 1847
Arkansas 752
California 12739
Colorado 2077
Connecticut 909
Delaware 423
Florida 7609
Georgia 2992
Hawaii 447
Idaho 532
Illinois 3887
Indiana 1501
Iowa 557
Kansas 772
Kentucky 1192
Louisiana 1312
Maine 348
Maryland 2115
Massachusetts 1342
Michigan 1820
Minnesota 1766
Mississippi 654
Missouri 2057
Montana 306
Nebraska 426
Nevada 663
New Hampshire 434
New Jersey 4131
New Mexico 506
New York 6189
North Carolina 3723
North Dakota 192
Northern Mariana Islands 3
Ohio 3593
Oklahoma 1069
Oregon 1798
Pennsylvania 5445
Puerto Rico 7
Rhode Island 177
South Carolina 1439
South Dakota 278
Tennessee 1977
Texas 9737
Utah 644
Vermont 166
Virginia 2965
Washington 2951
Washington, D.C. 188
West Virginia 449
Wisconsin 1258
Wyoming 93