How to Prepare for the CCRN Exam

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As you prepare to take the CCRN exam we would like to share the following suggestions and tools to assist you.

Test Plan

One of the most important study tools is the test plan, also known as an exam blueprint, which can be found in the Exam Handbook. The test plan is broken down by content area with each assigned a percentage indicating how the topic area is weighted on the exam.

For each patient problem listed under Clinical Judgment you'll want to familiarize yourself with signs and symptoms, lab values, blood gases, potential medications and side effects, anticipated procedures and general nursing interventions related to the patient problems outlined.

You may want to do a self-assessment of the topics under the Clinical Judgment body systems that are weighted most heavily on the exam, checking the topics that you know you need to review, including any patient problems that you do not see often in your practice.

A core of items on the specialty certification exams deal with the Professional Caring and Ethical Practice components of the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care.

Exam References

Another source of information is the exam reference list, also known as the Exam Bibliography, included in the Exam Handbook. This is a list of references used by the item writers to validate the correct answers to the exam questions.

If you find that during your in-depth study of the test plan you need information on lab values or medications related to a particular condition, use one of the resources listed on the Exam Bibliography, or you can refer to any recently published (last five years) acute/critical care nursing textbook.

Practice Exam and Questions

As your prepare for your exam, AACN’s online CCRN Practice Exam and Questions can assist you in assessing your level of knowledge, identifying your strengths and uncovering areas for further study. This subscription-based resource provides a realistic exam-day experience with practice questions written in the style of actual exam questions. The mobile-friendly platform enables 24/7 access to randomized practice questions with correct answer rationales and exam scores plus unlimited practice exams. Available for adult, pediatric and neonatal certifications.

Exam Review Course*

Consider taking or purchasing an exam review course. Courses are offered across the U.S.A. or consider taking an exam review at AACN's NTI Conference held each year in May. The AACN Online Bookstore features a variety of educational and clinical products including video and audio review courses that you may find helpful.

Study Group

Consider forming a small exam study group to share ideas. Candidates who pool their resources and study together may be more confident in their knowledge and more likely to succeed at passing the exam. Consider scheduling to test at the same time and traveling to the testing site together and support one another every step of the way.

Certified Nurses & Other Colleagues

Talk with certified nurses to find out what tools they used to prepare for the exam and what study tips they might offer. Make arrangements to shadow a nurse who works on another acute or critical care unit, to expose you to different patient types — especially if you have worked primarily on a single unit.

Check with your unit manager or educator — or even your local AACN Ambassador — to see if they can be of assistance in setting up a clinical experience within your facility or at another hospital in your area.

Score Report

If you are retesting, review the printed score report that you received after taking the exam and identify in which areas you have the most opportunity to improve. Concentrate your studies on the most heavily weighted topic areas as listed on the test plan, but remember that the other areas are important too — especially if you scored a low percentage in an area.

We suggest that you plan your study emphasis and time in proportion to the weight of the topic.

*AACN Certification Corporation does not approve, endorse, or require for eligibility use of any specific exam preparation products.