Clean Cath Club

Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill Campus (Seattle, Washington)

CSI Summary

Available only to registered users.

CSI Presentation

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CSI Toolkit

Available only to users with a paid AACN membership.

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Project Topic

Standardizing and streamlining catheter care in critically ill patients.

CSI Participants

Lorraine Abing, RN, BSN, CCRN
Alex Limoges, RN, BSN, CCRN
Erin Lomas, RN, BSN, CCRN-CSC
Suzanne Mooney, RN, BSN

Project Goals/Objectives

  1. To reduce the incidence of CAUTI in patients with indwelling urinary catheters
  2. To put in place a uniform process for catheter care in the unit
  3. To educate bedside caregivers on proper equipment and technique in providing catheter and meatal care.

Project Outcomes

  1. Decreased CAUTI rates 64 percent for NCCU (from 22 to 11) and 82 percent for CVICU (from 7 to 2) compared to data from 2014 and pre-project implementation in 2015
  2. Decreased antibiotic use as a result of decrease in number of infections
  3. Reduced UTI-related complications due to decreased incidence of infections
  4. Increased staff compliance as a result of simplifying and streamlining catheter care
  5. Increased staff involvement by owning the problem as well as the solution, bedside caregivers feel empowered and motivated to improve patient outcomes
  6. These outcomes resulted in a projected annual fiscal impact of $158,999 ($96,782 for NCCU; $62,217 for CVICU).

Permission to Reuse Materials
The materials associated with this AACN Clinical Scene Investigator (CSI) Academy project are the property of the participating hospital noted above, not AACN. Requests to use content contained in the CSI team’s summary, presentation or toolkit should be directed to the hospital. We suggest reaching out to the hospital’s Communications, Marketing or Nursing Education department for assistance.

The AACN CSI Academy program supports change projects based on quality improvement methods. Although CSI teams seek to ensure linkage between their project and clinical/fiscal outcomes, data cannot be solely attributed to the project and are estimations of impact.