Stop! Collaborate & Listen

Madigan Army Medical Center (Tacoma, Washington)

CSI Summary

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CSI Presentation

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CSI Toolkit

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Project Topic

Increasing communication between physicians, nurses and patients

CSI Participants

1LT Dan Ciuzio, BSN, RN
Stefanie Martin, BSN, RN
1LT Jessica Rodriguez, BSN, RN
1LT Amelia Schmitt, BSN, RN

Project Goals/Objectives

  1. To increase communication between nurses, physicians and patients 50 percent
  2. To enhance communication through emphasis on patient short-term goals, with 80 percent tool compliance
  3. To train 90 percent of staff on the collaborative daily goal sheet

Project Outcomes

  1. Increased nurse satisfaction 7 percent and physician satisfaction 12 percent when asked about open communication between nurses and physicians
  2. Achieved a rating of agree/strongly agree from 63 percent of nurses and 8 percent of physicians when asked about writing on the collaborative daily goal sheet regularly
  3. Achieved a rating of agree/strongly agree from 52 percent of nurses and 62 percent of physicians when asked if the collaborative daily goal sheet promoted communication between physicians and nurses
  4. Increased TRICARE Inpatient Satisfaction Survey (TRISS) 2.7 percent between quarter 2 (pre-project) and quarter 4 (post-project) - however, the increase did not meet the TRISS target for monetary reimbursement

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Permission to Reuse Materials
The materials associated with this AACN Clinical Scene Investigator (CSI) Academy project are the property of the participating hospital noted above, not AACN. Requests to use content contained in the CSI team’s summary, presentation or toolkit should be directed to the hospital. We suggest reaching out to the hospital’s Communications, Marketing or Nursing Education department for assistance.

The AACN CSI Academy program supports change projects based on quality improvement methods. Although CSI teams seek to ensure linkage between their project and clinical/fiscal outcomes, data cannot be solely attributed to the project and are estimations of impact.