Effective Routine Cleaning Kills Coronavirus
A study finds that although environmental contamination from patients infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is high, adhering to routine cleaning protocols is sufficient and effective for decontamination. Ensure that staff adhere to cleaning policies and procedures.

Survey Identifies Challenges for Nurses
A survey identifies challenges nurses face (41% are victims of workplace violence, and 44% often feel like quitting) and presents solutions for those challenges. Review the solutions to see which could work in your facility.

Fall TIPS Program Improves Prevention
Patients involved in the Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety (TIPS) program are more engaged and feel more confident in their ability to prevent falls, according to a multisite study. Consider the program for your organization.

More Evidence of Nurses’ Positive Impact
A Press Ganey report finds that nursing excellence is linked to positive patient experiences, physician engagement and clinical outcomes, such as fewer falls. Share the findings and action steps for achieving nurse excellence with top management.
Upcoming Events

After careful consideration and concern for our community of nurses, AACN has made the difficult decision to cancel the National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition scheduled to take place in Indianapolis, May 4-7. This decision was made with the singular desire to do what is best for nurses, patients, their families and the entirety of the healthcare system.
More InfoParticipate in AACN’s election 2020 by viewing the candidate profiles on our website and then click on the Vote icon to cast your vote or decision to abstain. Voting is open until April 13, 11:59 p.m. ET. Please contact Melinda Messenger-Stout at 800-394-5995, ext. 331, with your questions or if you need a paper ballot.
View & Vote

For CCRN, CCRN-E and CCRN-K certification candidates, March 25 is an important date: AACN will launch revised exams for these credentials, which align with updated certification test plans. The revised test plans and exams reflect minor changes identified in the 2018 study of acute/critical care nursing practice. Nurses testing on and after March 25 should reference the new test plans – and updated study resources – available now on AACN’s website.
View PlansWhere the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.
