Each Day, 10,000 Baby Boomers in the U.S. Turn 65

Apr 06, 2017

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AACN’s “Optimizing Care for Acutely Ill Older Adults” course helps nurses improve outcomes for this unique population.

Developed by clinical experts at AACN and in the geriatrics field, AACN's award-winning "Optimizing Care for Acutely Ill Older Adults" uses real-world patient scenarios to teach acute and critical care nurses to differentiate between symptoms and conditions of usual aging and those arising from illness.

AACN is now offering the course at the special price of $55.

The course:

  • Takes nurses beyond the basics of caring for the complex older adult population by providing the latest knowledge, best practices and evidence-based interventions
  • Focuses on reducing both the unintended consequences of acute and critical illness and readmissions
  • Helps ensure consistent care across nursing teams/units

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