President's Video: NTI Live Is Back!

Mar 23, 2022

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In her new video message, AACN President Beth Wathen is delighted to announce that NTI in-person is back, live in Houston May 16-18, plus a virtual option June 6-8.

Hi Everyone,

I’m so happy to announce that NTI in-person is back! And this year NTI will be better than ever. We’re offering NTI your way — both live in Houston, May 16 through 18, plus a virtual option on June 6 through 8.

First, I want to assure you that the decision to move forward with a live NTI was made after much thought, discussion and research. We took into account the current state of the pandemic, present CDC guidance about gathering and many other considerations.

With the appropriate safety protocols in place, we are confident that we can bring our community back together and do so safely. Some of you have voiced concerns about our decision to hold NTI in Texas, so I’d like to talk about that.

Finding a city with all of the criteria needed to host NTI is a complex process with painstakingly specific requirements. For such a large conference, multiple contracts must be signed up to 10 years in advance. Because of this, many factors are considered when choosing an NTI venue, including size of the convention center; number, availability and affordability of hotel rooms; and easy access to recreational activities for attendees.

Since these bookings are solidified many years ahead of time, it’s impossible to know what societal or political actions may take place in a location over that time. And, if we chose to leave Texas at this late date, it would mean canceling the entire in-person event. We feel this would be a disservice to you, our community, many of whom have told me personally that you can’t wait to get together again.

It’s also important to remember that we have almost 130,000 members, who hold various political beliefs and social opinions, and the legislative/political climate of any state could be questioned by members with differing ideologies.

AACN is a mission-driven, educational organization that is not chartered or staffed to engage in political action such as lobbying or state boycotts.

We know some of you may not support this decision and that’s OK. We respect everyone’s right to individual viewpoints, and we encourage you to continue to use your unique voices in advocacy for those issues you are passionate about.

This year we are also offering a virtual option, so if you cannot or prefer not to attend the live NTI event in Houston, you can still access all the great sessions remotely during our virtual event in June.

We are so looking forward to gathering together again at NTI. It’s been such an incredibly long, hard road these past two years for all of us. And we know we have much healing and work to do to address all of the longstanding issues laid bare by the pandemic.

NTI will provide a platform for all of us to start looking forward, beyond this pandemic:

  • To acknowledge what we’ve endured, to begin to heal and celebrate the many ways our strengths have been on display during this tragic and historic time
  • And to come back together once again to rejuvenate, to refuel and to reimagine our future together

Please join us at NTI if you can — in person or virtual!

Do you have questions about NTI 2022? Email me at