Use your own letter or personalize the letter below and tell your Senator to pass this legislation now. Time is running out.
Step 1 — Find your member of Congress
Step 2 — Use this sample letter or your own
Sample Letter
Pass Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization this Congress
All of us rely on the care of nurses, either as a patient or as a family member of a patient receiving care. I am joining other nurses and members of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses to ask for your help in ensuring funding for the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act.
The nursing workforce is the largest of all health professionals, with over 4 million nationwide. For so many nurses, the Title VIII programs make a difference. That is why passing the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act is the number one priority of the Nursing Community Coalition, which represents 61 national nursing organizations.
Title VIII programs help build the supply, recruitment and retention of highly educated nurses in our state and across the country. I urge you to pass Title VIII Reauthorization during this session of Congress. Without a current authorization, these programs are in jeopardy, as is the continued education of our nation’s nurses who rely upon them.
Thank you for your efforts to protect nursing education and workforce programs and the patients we serve.