Q. How many chapters does AACN have?
A. AACN has over 200 chapters in the United States. AACN has divided its chapters into regions, and there are 19 regions in the United States. Each region has a Chapter Advisory Team member to assist chapters when necessary.
Q. Does AACN have a chapter in every state?
A. No, all states except Kansas and Wyoming.
Q. How do I locate a chapter near me?
A. You can locate a chapter near you by going online to the Find a Chapter page of the AACN website. If you locate a chapter in your area and would like to contact them, click on the "Email Officers" link to email directly.
Q. Why should I join the local chapter?
A. Chapters provide an excellent opportunity for AACN members to interact with peers and colleagues from surrounding work settings and areas. They provide a forum for networking and interacting with national leaders, and members to discuss issues related to critical care, advocacy and to be recognized as leaders in their communities. Involvement at the chapter level creates opportunities for professional development, to build your career portfolio and is the starting point for national involvement and recognition in the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
Q. Do I have to belong to National to be a chapter member?
A. Yes. Membership eligibility at the local level is one of the benefits for National members.
Q. Can I join an AACN chapter if I am a student?
A. Yes. Many chapters offer significant discounts to students who want to participate at the local level. It is also an important first step for any student to become a member of their specialty organization.
Q. How much are dues to be a Chapter member?
A. Each chapter sets their own dues structure, and they range anywhere from about $5 to $30.
Q. What types of education are offered through the local chapter?
A. The continuing education opportunities vary from chapter to chapter. Some chapters hold monthly educational programs and others hold quarterly educational programs. Most chapters hold annual educational seminars, which are one or two days long. Regional meetings — which are a time in which neighboring chapters in a given region come together for educational programming and collaboration efforts — are held once or twice a year.
Q. How do I find out about Chapter Educational Offerings?
A. Most chapter programs, including CCRN and PCCN review courses, are advertised on AACN's website under the Events Calendar, in the Chapters area of the website. Chapter program information can also be found on the chapter's individual website or Facebook page.
Q. Can chapters access AACN informational materials and/or free giveaways to hand out at chapter educational programs or membership drives?
A. Yes. AACN has a complete listing of free resource materials and giveaways that chapters can request for their events. These materials are listed on the Chapter Free Resource Order Form, which can be found online on the Forms page, in the Chapters area of the website.
Q. What kind of chapter information is available online?
A. On the Chapter page of the AACN website, you can access a variety of valuable resources. This information includes: chapter resource booklets, which contain policies, procedures and guidelines for AACN chapter operations; a complete directory of all AACN chapters, with website links and email capability to chapter officers; a chapter events calendar, listing current and future chapter educational programs; a resource library that provides resource documents and how-to instructions; and a host of other valuable resources.
Q. How does our chapter start a website?
A. AACN provides a free website service. Please contact the National Office, for more information.
More Information
For more information, please call (800) 394-5995 x365 or email us at chapters@aacn.org.