Hear Us Out Campaign

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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, AACN has used its bold voice to advocate for the safety and well-being of our acute and critical nurses on the front lines. As we saw COVID-19 cases surge in ICUs throughout the summer and into the fall, placing more stress on already burdened and exhausted nurses at the bedside, we turned our efforts to a public-facing campaign to tell our stories and encourage vaccination.

We launched the nationwide effort, Hear Us Out, to mobilize nurse voices to report the reality from the front lines and urge those who have yet to be vaccinated to reconsider.

To reach the public, Hear Us Out works with news media to share survey data and recordings about the impact on nurses of those who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine. This national AACN campaign offers downloadable guides to engage nurses and nurse allies in constructive conversations with vaccine-hesitant family, friends and colleagues.

Campaign Activities

  • Conducted media efforts resulted in 100+ mentions of our key messages and campaign poll data and more than 17 radio interviews in regional COVID-19 hotspots
  • Developed the Hearusout.com website featuring a campaign video imploring the public to “Hear Us Out” and poll data reflecting our communities’ reality
  • Kicked off the campaign with a billboard headline in Times Square, New York City
  • Collaborated with peer healthcare organizations to amplify our message
  • Shared online nurse video stories
  • Released online conversation toolkit for nurses and nurse allies

Campaign Quick Stats

  • 508+ million reach via media, including radio listeners in regions with low vaccination rates or high hospitalization rates
  • 146,000+ views, shares, comments and reactions on social media channels
  • 31,800+ unique website visitors
  • 100+ media mentions about the campaign and its key messages
  • 2,200+ campaign video views
  • 500+ vaccine sign-up link clicks

Upcoming Campaign Activities

  • Continuing written and broadcast media coverage
  • Launching healthcare professionals influencer collaboration to extend the campaign’s social media reach

Hear Us Out in the News

AACN’s Hear Us Out nurse advocacy campaign has received broad coverage from many media outlets.

  • Scientific American published an opinion editorial by AACN President Beth Wathen and President-elect Amanda Bettencourt.
  • The Atlantic published an article describing nurses' reality both now and likely what we'll be facing in healthcare for years to come. AACN President-elect Amanda Bettencourt was interviewed.
  • An NPR story quoting AACN survey data about the pandemic’s impact on nurses was picked up by another 11 local and regional media outlets.
  • WebMD extensively quoted AACN Past President Megan Brunson about the hospital-wide impact as patients with COVID fill ICUs.
  • A Chicago Tribune story about burnout among hospital workers was linked to the Hear Us Out website and picked up by 4 local and regional media outlets.
  • Salon Magazine  published a story that quoted AACN President-elect, Amanda Bettencourt as well as AACN member Christiaan Letsinger.
  • Pennsylvania Capital-Starr  published a story quoting poll results.
  • Becker's Hospital Review  included AACN's Hear Us Out campaign in a round-up of recent initiatives encouraging vaccinations.
  • AONL  included a mention of the Hear Us Out campaign in its weekly newsletter.
  • The National Review  cited AACN’s nurse survey in a story about vaccine mandates for doctors and nurses. It also links to a WebMD story about the survey.
  • The San Diego NBC  station ran a story about nurses caring for unvaccinated patients, and it cites the AACN nurse survey statistic about the number of nurses who have considered leaving their jobs.
  • An NPR  station in Pennsylvania ran a story on a state proposal to recruit and retain nurses. It quotes a state senator (who is also a nurse) who cited results of AACN’s nurse survey as a way to show there is a need to provide support.
  • Elite Healthcare / Advance for Nurses  covered the Hear Us Out campaign, which was a result of the AACN press release.
  • Daily Nurse  Campaign Announcement.
  • WebMD  published a story about AACN’s Hear Us Out nurse poll that includes quotes from AACN President Beth Wathen.
  • CNBC  aired a story about healthcare workers and vaccine mandates, and it includes soundbites with AACN President-elect Amanda Bettencourt and cites the Hear Us Out poll.
  • Becker’s Hospital Review  published a story about the Hear Us Out nurse poll. The article focuses on the number of nurses considering leaving the profession due to the pandemic.
  • Becker’s  also published a story about the MedPage Today special report on the nursing shortage. It includes a quote from Beth Wathen and mentions the Hear Us Out poll.
  • MedPage Today  used a quote from Beth Wathen (referencing the Hear Us Out poll) as the headline for its weekly roundup.
  • Beth Wathen was interviewed on Health Professional Radio  to discuss the Hear Us Out campaign and the recent nurse poll.
  • Beth Wathen was also interviewed on Alabama’s Morning News with JT (iHeart Radio)  about the struggles of front-line nurses during the pandemic.
  • Amanda Bettencourt was interviewed on WFIW Radio (Illinois)  to discuss the Hear Us Out poll results and campaign.
  • AACN President-elect Amanda Bettencourt was also interviewed on The Dr. Pat Radio Show  about her experience with unvaccinated patients in the ICU.
  • Medscape , The Hospitalist , Data Source Hub  and Health News Express  ran articles based on the news release about the Hear Us Out poll. They include quotes from Beth Wathen and Amanda Bettencourt.