Chapter Contracts

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AACN chapters protect themselves and AACN by ensuring written agreements are in place with speakers, vendors, facilities, etc., when hosting an event or for other contracted services. Those agreements must be reviewed and approved by National AACN before signing

Because chapters are part of AACN and are not required to be independently incorporated, National AACN is ultimately liable for chapters’ contracts. Failure to submit contracts for approval may result in chapter disbandment.

Note: Chapters should submit contracts online using the Chapter Contracts Submission Form. Doing so will provide chapters with an immediate confirmation number, which can be traced if needed. Please allow up to two weeks for review and approval.  

Contracts that must be reviewed/approved by National AACN:

  • Catering agreements.
  • Co-sponsored programs. A letter of agreement is required for chapters collaborating on programs and special projects that outline each chapter's responsibilities and commitments along with a performance timeline.
  • Exhibitor/Vendor agreements.
  • Grants.
  • Hotel/Facility — all contracts with a financial obligation greater than $5,000.
  • Letters of Agreement. Chapters should have at least a letter of agreement when working with other parties, even if no monies are involved.
  • Partnership agreements.
  • Regional meeting agreements.
  • Speakers — all contracts with a financial obligation greater than $1,000. (If a speaker or company does not have its own contract, contract templates are available below which can be modified based on the negotiations.)
  • Support agreements (formerly known as sponsor agreements).
  • Temporary Help Agency agreements.
  • Any other contract or lease, including property or equipment leases.
  • Any financial commitments, regardless of the amount, that obligate the chapter for longer than one year.

See the full Chapter Contracts & Grants Policy.

Contract templates are available for chapter use.

If a chapter contract does not need to be reviewed by AACN, it is recommended that the chapter conduct its own review. AACN is always willing to review contracts for chapters — no matter the dollar amounts — to ensure the chapter is protected.

Additionally, be sure to:

  1. Post your events on your individual chapter websites.
  2. Submit your event for possible inclusion in the AACN journals and/or to be posted on the Chapter Events Calendar. (Chapter Event Calendar submissions will be posted pending verification of approved chapter contracts.)
  3. Email the event flier/brochure to your chapter advisor, who will then distribute it to the other chapters in your region.

Questions should be directed to