Product Code: 330134
New 5th Edition!
Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses, 5th Ed.
This new 5th edition is a practical and useful guide that removes the fear and confusion surrounding the writing and publishing process.
Lead author and editor Cynthia Saver, along with 25 of nursing's top writing experts and decision-makers, share important insights to help you craft a quality manuscript and get it accepted for publication.
Learn how to:
- Improve your writing skills
- Create effective titles, abstracts, and cover letters
- Write review articles, including systematic, scoping, and integrative reviews
- Report evidence-based practice projects or qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies
- Write collaboratively with professionals in other healthcare disciplines
- Turn your dissertation or DNP project into a published article
- Understand preprints, reporting guidelines, and publication legal/ethical issues
- Promote your work via posters and social media
ISBN #: 9781646481804
Author: C. Saver